Diimport dari South Carolina, USA
Haruman bertahan melebihi 2 bulan
Memang berbaloi!!!
satu-satunya pewangi kereta yang baunya tidak hilang walaupun kereta diletakkan di tempat panas, malah bau makin semerbak
Tuscan Vineyard
Nikmati aroma Anggur Manis yang segar
pastinya mempersonakan sesiapa sahaja
Classic Linen (out of stock)
Nikmati haruman lembut.
Segarkan udara sekeliling anda dengan bauan bunga-bungaan dan balsam.
Aroma lembut bunga mawar
pasti mengindahkan lagi suasana kediaman anda
Nikmati aroma klasik lavender yang diadun bersama herba segar,
aroma Lavemder dikatakan mampu menghilangkan stress dan mendamaikan fikiran.
Hayati kesegaran laut bersama adunan aroma dari kasturi, kayu cendana dan bunga melur.
Pastinya memikat.
Pastinya memikat.
khas untuk penggemar aroma sitrus..diadun dengan haruman madu manis..aromanya mmg berkekalan...
hayati kelembutan bau ice-cream vanilla...hemmm...begitu mengasyikkannn..
Thanks for this Lovely Scents…memang suka sangat-sangat…even my husband pun terpesona dengan baunya…. :-) I memang tengah mencari-cari pewangi rumah… I try google the internet & tadddaaa…found your website.. so I bought 2 different scent (Tuscan Vineyard & Rose)…Yang Tuscan Vineyard..I letak kat Living & yang Rose tu I letak kat my bedroom…Walllaaa…mmg best baunya…senang & jimat ..tak payah refill air…tak payah pakai bateri…setiap kali balik kerja…naik her tangga (rumah I Apartment tingkat 1)….dah bau wangi…mesti my neighbour wonder bau apa la yg wangi-wangi ni.My son pun suka…katanya ..rumah sekarang bau macam Sugus…... :-) So now nearly 1 month…the smell still strong…
Name: Farrah, Jln Ipoh, KL
Simply refreshing! My room smells of Lavender all the time :)
Name: Ruby, PJ
I love the scent that I purchased. Indeed, it's so refreshing to come home to the soothing fragrance.
Name: Dr Hasidah, UKM
The Scents are very nice and subtle, as I mentioned I am normally very sensitive to strong fragrance, but the sachets are just nice. My daughter was upset that I didn't get one for her room, so I gave her mine and her room smells nice, like a little girls rooms should. I have always loved Lavender, but am looking forward to the Classic Linen for my car. Please share other scents with me once they come in, they make a good gift as well.
Name: Jessy, PJ
I bought two packets of Classic Linen and one packet of Seaspray from Lovely Scents.I have to admit that the price was indeed a bit higher compared to conventional scented products that we can normally get from other places but I was ready to try this as I have yet to find one that can provide satisfactory performance with a reasonable price. The scented packets did not disappoint me. One packet of Classic Linen that I placed at a corner of my humble studio unit was enough to provide lasting scent throughout the whole unit, day and night, and as claimed by the seller, with or without fan or air-conditioner! As of now, I am still saving another packet of Classic Linen and wondering where I can place it at because my initial plan of placing two packets at two corners of my unit is obviously unnecessary now. As for the one packet of Seaspray, it was slipped into the car and needless to say, did an equally good job. What I like most about the scented packets were their very natural scent that reminded me of fresh flowers, unlike those usually found in supermarkets which have very strong artificial scent that is unpleasant. To top it off, their service is commendable.
Name: Edele, PJ
Terima Kasih ye. Kite dah dapat barang tu. Suka sangat baunya. Wangi dan lembut. bau apa kan. Receptionist tanya kite order apa sebab bau wangi sangat. Pelik gak..xkan cepat sangat sampainya.. receptionist tu cakap, masa budak yang hantar parcel tu sampai.. dia cam pelik dan tanya budak tu pakai minyak wangi apa. Tp, budak tu ckp bukan dia yang pakai minyak wangi. Bila envelope tu ada kat tangan akak receptionist, baru dia tau, bau wangi tu datangnya daripada envelope tu. Apapun, terima kasih ye. Cepat pulak dapat parcel tu. Cam x percaya.
Name: Siti, Taman Melawati
Fiza dah dpt sampul tu. Mmg wangi lah..fiza letak sampul tu kat ruang tamu..on the way turun tangga pun idung ni dah dpt tangkap bau dia..bole beli lg ni...hehe
Name: Noor Hafizah, Taman Panglima, Ipoh
Hi there, Thank you for introducing this awesome product to me. Indeed it made a huge difference to my living room, my bedroom, my bathroom and also my car. It is one of a kind that's simply superb. Wish you both all the best. Cheers.
Name: Balvin, PJ
Being someone who's into scented things, I find the scented packets very relaxing. I like the scents. From a distance, I can already have the scent - it's true, it leaves a lingering aroma. It makes me feel happy.
Name: Mrs Dami, Kg Tunku
Great Sachet Scents! The moment the package arrived the scents filled the office with a lovely scent and everyone was curious which prompted my colleagues to enquire where it was purchased. I directed them to the website and they too are happy and satisfied customers. Great job and looking forward to the new scents!
Name: Mona Abdullah, Bangsar
Hi, I got the Lavender sachets and it really is refreshing and makes my environment smells sweet. I love it very much!! I'll recommend it to all my friends.
Name: Loh, PJ
I bought Tuscan Vineyard. It smells like sweet grapes. The pleasant scent spread all around my room up to my living room too. First day when I use the scents, my sister asked me why she smell some sweet grape's jam all over the living room, but actually I placed it in my room. What a fantastic product and long lasting fragrance. Thank you for introducing such a wonderful scent.
Name: Williams Hew, PJ
The scented packet fills the air with a sweet and intoxicating scent. Got 4 Sachets (Roses, Lavender, Classic Linen & Seaspray). Each has its distinguished scent and what's best is that it lasts for a long long time unlike those other scents / potpourris that are available in the market. My word of advice - get it and keep them anywhere in the hse / office / car / rooms / closet.. you won't regret it.
Name: Deepa, Bandar Sri Damansara
Tuscan Vineyard pula agak kuat baunya & manis saya letak di ruang tamu, buka pintu rumah je...hmmmm berbau wangi. Tak perlu guna elektrik, tak bimbang tumpah pun.. ramailah pula kawan2 yg bertanya.
Name: Jamillah Talib, Kuantan
I bought 3 different scents. Kept in in 3 different places. My husband was wondering what did I use for the master bedroom. I told him, it was the Seaspray scented packet. He loved it very much, especially the musky scent. 2nd, Tuscan Vineyard - children's room -My children like it because it's like a very sweet scent - like candy. 3rd - Lavender - My favorite. I put it in my changing room. Everytime after shower, it makes me feel fresh after a long tiring day. Review of product after 6 months: The packets are still in my house. The Tuscan Vineyard till today has some scent left. Lavender has faded, but I am still keeping it as there’s still some very light lingering scent especially when I give the packet a little shake. The Seaspray is left with very little scent, but that’s because the top of the envelope got torn– so, the content is exposed. I haven’t thrown away any of the packets.
Name: Fiona Tay, Ampang
Memang best la bau lovelyscents ni...nur letak satu kt rumah..satu kat kereta..yg kt rumah tu.. satu rumah nur bau je bau..hehe. Nak2 biler time panas..mmg naik bau dia. kt kereta pulak, husband nur letak kat atas dashboard..bila buka pintu..wangi je..mmg tak rugila beli produck ni..yg best tu..bdk yg htr courier tu pn bau wangi je..mula2 nur ingat bau perfume bdk tu..rupa2nya bau dr bungkusan tu.
Name: Nurazlina Alias, Kuala Lumpur
The scented sachets are very nice. As we enter the house, it gives us a fresh feeling and hence, a soothing inner feeling. Review of product after 6 months: The scented packets are now everywhere in my house. Satisfied with the purchases I’ve made.
Name: Mdm Dalbir, Bandar Manjalara
Thanks for this Lovely Scents…memang suka sangat-sangat…even my husband pun terpesona dengan baunya…. :-) I memang tengah mencari-cari pewangi rumah… I try google the internet & tadddaaa…found your website.. so I bought 2 different scent (Tuscan Vineyard & Rose)…Yang Tuscan Vineyard..I letak kat Living & yang Rose tu I letak kat my bedroom…Walllaaa…mmg best baunya…senang & jimat ..tak payah refill air…tak payah pakai bateri…setiap kali balik kerja…naik her tangga (rumah I Apartment tingkat 1)….dah bau wangi…mesti my neighbour wonder bau apa la yg wangi-wangi ni.My son pun suka…katanya ..rumah sekarang bau macam Sugus…... :-) So now nearly 1 month…the smell still strong…
Name: Farrah, Jln Ipoh, KL
Simply refreshing! My room smells of Lavender all the time :)
Name: Ruby, PJ
I love the scent that I purchased. Indeed, it's so refreshing to come home to the soothing fragrance.
Name: Dr Hasidah, UKM
The Scents are very nice and subtle, as I mentioned I am normally very sensitive to strong fragrance, but the sachets are just nice. My daughter was upset that I didn't get one for her room, so I gave her mine and her room smells nice, like a little girls rooms should. I have always loved Lavender, but am looking forward to the Classic Linen for my car. Please share other scents with me once they come in, they make a good gift as well.
Name: Jessy, PJ
I bought two packets of Classic Linen and one packet of Seaspray from Lovely Scents.I have to admit that the price was indeed a bit higher compared to conventional scented products that we can normally get from other places but I was ready to try this as I have yet to find one that can provide satisfactory performance with a reasonable price. The scented packets did not disappoint me. One packet of Classic Linen that I placed at a corner of my humble studio unit was enough to provide lasting scent throughout the whole unit, day and night, and as claimed by the seller, with or without fan or air-conditioner! As of now, I am still saving another packet of Classic Linen and wondering where I can place it at because my initial plan of placing two packets at two corners of my unit is obviously unnecessary now. As for the one packet of Seaspray, it was slipped into the car and needless to say, did an equally good job. What I like most about the scented packets were their very natural scent that reminded me of fresh flowers, unlike those usually found in supermarkets which have very strong artificial scent that is unpleasant. To top it off, their service is commendable.
Name: Edele, PJ
Terima Kasih ye. Kite dah dapat barang tu. Suka sangat baunya. Wangi dan lembut. bau apa kan. Receptionist tanya kite order apa sebab bau wangi sangat. Pelik gak..xkan cepat sangat sampainya.. receptionist tu cakap, masa budak yang hantar parcel tu sampai.. dia cam pelik dan tanya budak tu pakai minyak wangi apa. Tp, budak tu ckp bukan dia yang pakai minyak wangi. Bila envelope tu ada kat tangan akak receptionist, baru dia tau, bau wangi tu datangnya daripada envelope tu. Apapun, terima kasih ye. Cepat pulak dapat parcel tu. Cam x percaya.
Name: Siti, Taman Melawati
Fiza dah dpt sampul tu. Mmg wangi lah..fiza letak sampul tu kat ruang tamu..on the way turun tangga pun idung ni dah dpt tangkap bau dia..bole beli lg ni...hehe
Name: Noor Hafizah, Taman Panglima, Ipoh
Hi there, Thank you for introducing this awesome product to me. Indeed it made a huge difference to my living room, my bedroom, my bathroom and also my car. It is one of a kind that's simply superb. Wish you both all the best. Cheers.
Name: Balvin, PJ
Being someone who's into scented things, I find the scented packets very relaxing. I like the scents. From a distance, I can already have the scent - it's true, it leaves a lingering aroma. It makes me feel happy.
Name: Mrs Dami, Kg Tunku
Great Sachet Scents! The moment the package arrived the scents filled the office with a lovely scent and everyone was curious which prompted my colleagues to enquire where it was purchased. I directed them to the website and they too are happy and satisfied customers. Great job and looking forward to the new scents!
Name: Mona Abdullah, Bangsar
Hi, I got the Lavender sachets and it really is refreshing and makes my environment smells sweet. I love it very much!! I'll recommend it to all my friends.
Name: Loh, PJ
I bought Tuscan Vineyard. It smells like sweet grapes. The pleasant scent spread all around my room up to my living room too. First day when I use the scents, my sister asked me why she smell some sweet grape's jam all over the living room, but actually I placed it in my room. What a fantastic product and long lasting fragrance. Thank you for introducing such a wonderful scent.
Name: Williams Hew, PJ
The scented packet fills the air with a sweet and intoxicating scent. Got 4 Sachets (Roses, Lavender, Classic Linen & Seaspray). Each has its distinguished scent and what's best is that it lasts for a long long time unlike those other scents / potpourris that are available in the market. My word of advice - get it and keep them anywhere in the hse / office / car / rooms / closet.. you won't regret it.
Name: Deepa, Bandar Sri Damansara
Tuscan Vineyard pula agak kuat baunya & manis saya letak di ruang tamu, buka pintu rumah je...hmmmm berbau wangi. Tak perlu guna elektrik, tak bimbang tumpah pun.. ramailah pula kawan2 yg bertanya.
Name: Jamillah Talib, Kuantan
I bought 3 different scents. Kept in in 3 different places. My husband was wondering what did I use for the master bedroom. I told him, it was the Seaspray scented packet. He loved it very much, especially the musky scent. 2nd, Tuscan Vineyard - children's room -My children like it because it's like a very sweet scent - like candy. 3rd - Lavender - My favorite. I put it in my changing room. Everytime after shower, it makes me feel fresh after a long tiring day. Review of product after 6 months: The packets are still in my house. The Tuscan Vineyard till today has some scent left. Lavender has faded, but I am still keeping it as there’s still some very light lingering scent especially when I give the packet a little shake. The Seaspray is left with very little scent, but that’s because the top of the envelope got torn– so, the content is exposed. I haven’t thrown away any of the packets.
Name: Fiona Tay, Ampang
Memang best la bau lovelyscents ni...nur letak satu kt rumah..satu kat kereta..yg kt rumah tu.. satu rumah nur bau je bau..hehe. Nak2 biler time panas..mmg naik bau dia. kt kereta pulak, husband nur letak kat atas dashboard..bila buka pintu..wangi je..mmg tak rugila beli produck ni..yg best tu..bdk yg htr courier tu pn bau wangi je..mula2 nur ingat bau perfume bdk tu..rupa2nya bau dr bungkusan tu.
Name: Nurazlina Alias, Kuala Lumpur
The scented sachets are very nice. As we enter the house, it gives us a fresh feeling and hence, a soothing inner feeling. Review of product after 6 months: The scented packets are now everywhere in my house. Satisfied with the purchases I’ve made.
Name: Mdm Dalbir, Bandar Manjalara